Tag: Prototype

  • Differences between Prototype, Mockup, and Wireframe

    Differences between Prototype, Mockup, and Wireframe

    In the field of design and user interface development, the terms “prototype,” “mockup,” and “wireframe” are commonly used. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually refer to distinct concepts with specific roles in the design process. In this article, we will explore the differences between these three key elements and highlight their unique…

  • Prototyping techniques in UI/UX design

    Prototyping techniques in UI/UX design

    Prototyping in UI/UX design is often considered a crucial step. But what is it exactly? And what does it involve? What are the prototyping techniques? We provide you with the details in this article. What is prototyping in UI/UX design? Prototyping in UI/UX design is a design technique that involves creating interactive mockups of a…