Tag: mockup

  • Differences between Prototype, Mockup, and Wireframe

    Differences between Prototype, Mockup, and Wireframe

    In the field of design and user interface development, the terms “prototype,” “mockup,” and “wireframe” are commonly used. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually refer to distinct concepts with specific roles in the design process. In this article, we will explore the differences between these three key elements and highlight their unique…

  • Why choose Figma?

    Why choose Figma?

    Ipsy is an application website that connects psychologists from a hospital in France with their patients. Like many web designers, our team has also chosen Figma for creating the Ipsy mockup. What are the specific features of this tool? And what makes it the number one choice for UX/UI designers when it comes to mockup…