8 websites for web design inspiration

Struggling to find webdesign ideas ? We are here to help you! Crafting a website requires both technical skill and a lot of creativity. So looking at what others have done is the best way to spark your imagination and find ideas.

But where do you get inspired?

It’s important to vary your sources of inspiration to avoid duplicating what you see elsewhere. This way, you can gather ideas from different places and add your personal touch. In this article, we’ll share a selection of the best websites to visit for web design inspiration and reveal our top favorite!

1. Awwwards

Awwwards showcases the world’s most beautiful websites. It’s not just about inspiration; Awwwards explains why each design shines, helping you sharpen your design sense.

Advantages :

  • Expert evaluations based on objective factors
  • Vote for your favorite designs
  • Extra insights into each design
  • Transparent ratings on design, user experience, creativity, and content
  • Filter by industry, colors, country, and tools

2. Pinterest

You probably already know Pinterest because it’s super popular, a great site for finding inspiration for just about anything. But there you can also find website design ideas and if you’re new to web design, Pinterest is your best ally for finding ideas fast. It is perfect for discovering and saving web design elements, color palettes, different fonts and more.


  • Endless library of ideas
  • Save and organize your inspiration

3. CSS Nectar

CCS Nectar is one of the top websites for web design inspiration. Each design goes through a three-step process: there’s a submission fee, then a creative team reviews it, and only the best designs make it online. So, you’re guaranteed to find the best of the best on CSS Nectar! Plus, you can filter your search by categories, features, countries, and specific colors.


  • Three-step selection process for top designs
  • Precise filtering options
  • Regular updates with new web designs

4. Deejo

Deejo is a fantastic example of early adoption of personalization in web design. They offer a sleek customization interface for their knives, especially on desktops. Using 3D technology, Deejo enhances the consumer experience, perfectly blending UX and UI. This is the latest trend in web design, making the user experience more interactive and personalized.’ It is a fantastic example of early adoption of personalization in web design. They offer a sleek customization interface for their knives, especially on desktops. Using 3D technology, Deejo enhances the consumer experience, perfectly blending UX and UI. This is the latest trend in web design, making the user experience more interactive and personalized.


  • Advanced product customization
  • Sleek 3D interface
  • Perfect blend of UX and UI

5. MorenitaMenorca

MorenitaMenorca is a website featuring the themes Travel, Product, Minimalism, Bright Colors, Typography and Photographyandperfectly balances relaxation and modern design. Beginning with an image of water immediately sets a tranquil mood for visitors, which is precisely what MorenitaMenorca aims to achieve. It offers you a clear and relaxing browsing experience; It’s all about providing a peaceful and enjoyable experience for visitors.

Advantages :

  • Calming and serene design
  • Clear and easy navigation
  • Modern and stylish look

6. Muzli

Muzli is a Google Chrome extension that replaces your default browser to showcase top-notch design content like illustrations, typography, photography, architecture, fashion, and web design. It also provides the latest news and articles on current trends. The search bar is split into two, one side for Muzli searches and the other for Google, so it won’t disrupt your usual tasks.

Avantages :

  • Intuitive interface keeps you inspired daily
  • Quick shortcuts to other inspiration sites like Dribble, Behance, and Awwwards

7. Behance

Behance, Adobe’s online platform for sharing and discovering creative work, is a global hub where creatives showcase their projects to gain recognition. Whether it’s web design, illustrations, UI/UX interfaces, graphic design, or photography, you can easily filter and sort through a wide array of creative content. You can even subscribe to different creators’ profiles to keep up with their latest work.


  • Largest and most active creative community worldwide
  • Detailed project pages with in-depth information
  • Extensive filtering options, including tools and software like Figma, Adobe Illustrator, WordPress, and Webflow


8. Dogstudio

Dogstudio is a multidisciplinary creative studio that blends art, design, and technology and we completely fell in love with this one. Why? Upon entering the site, you’re welcomed by nature sounds that suit the homepage’s dog image. The dark blue color promotes focus, making the whole setup very cohesive. A true inspiration!

Advantages :

  • Blends art, design, and technology
  • Engaging user experience
  • Versatility in design approaches
  • Original visuals and sounds