Logo of Soaway

Steps taken before creating the Soaway logo

Before diving into the creation process of the Soaway logo, several steps were taken to ensure an impactful design. We are going to unveil these steps that we consider to be crucial for the creation of a logo

The steps we followed before creating the first prototype

Gathering Initial Information

The first step in logo design is to gather initial information about the company or organization. In the case of Soaway, it was important for us to gain a thorough understanding of its primary objective: assisting young individuals in navigating the realm of higher education and their professional journey. We also analyzed its values, vision, and target audience, as well as current trends in the field of education and career guidance.

Development of the creative guide

Once the information was gathered, we decided to create a creative guide, emphasizing simplicity and representing the path to success in higher education and professional career. The term ‘way’ becomes a key element of the logo, symbolizing the path that Soaway helps young people take.

Concept exploration

The research phase involves exploring different design ideas and concepts for the Soaway logo. Using the concept of highlighting the path, we first created several variations of the logo that incorporate graphic elements representing a path or trajectory. We tried curved lines, arrows, and directional symbols that evoke movement and progress towards a goal.

Creating the first prototype of the soaway logo

Once the concepts were developed, we transformed the selected ideas into a refined visual representation. Thus, the first prototype of the logo was created. It was produced using Adobe Illustrator software.

The choice of the symbol and the color

The symbol “S” represents “Soa” in Soaway, and it is accompanied by a “check” to express the assurance of the journey. The choice of the color blue is associated with security, highlighting the trust and reliability of Soaway. On the other hand, green is used for the “check,” symbolizing reassurance and validation, further enhancing the feelings of confidence and satisfaction

the choice of the The choice of typeface/font

For the initial prototype, we opted for the sans-serif font Anton as we primarily aimed for a clean and simple typography choice

why it is essential to prepare the creation of a logo?

After listing the different steps we followed before creating the first prototype of the Soaway logo, let’s first discuss why it is essential to prepare the creation of a logo.

Demonstrating professionalism and Credibility

 A well-designed logo gives an impression of professionalism and credibility. It indicates that the we values attention to detail and its image. A quality logo can help establish trust with customers, business partners.

The logo must to be unique

 In a competitive market, a logo helps to stand out from other players. That’s why conducting extensive research on existing logos in the market is essential.  The logo should be unique and represent the values, personality, and distinctive characteristics of the company or brand. A well-thought-out and original logo helps create a strong visual identity that stands out in the minds of consumers.

Focusing on its coherence and Unity

The creation of a logo is an opportunity to define key visual elements that will be used in all communication materials of the company. A well-designed logo can serve as a foundation for the development of a cohesive visual identity, defining colors, typography, and other graphic elements that will be used in marketing materials, products, website, social media, etc.

The adaptability of the logo

It is important to anticipate from the start a logo design that can adapt to different formats and mediums. The logo should be versatile enough to be used on printed materials, digital platforms, in small or large sizes, while maintaining readability and visual impact.

Creating the first prototype of the Soaway logo involved several key steps, each aimed at capturing the essence of Soaway’s mission to guide and support young individuals in their educational and professional journeys. From conceptualization and research to the incorporation of symbolic elements, the logo design process was a careful exploration of symbols and shapes.